Painting with the body

It may surprise you to hear that we don't draw or paint with the fingers!
Yes, the fingers hold the tool (brush / pencil / charcoal), but the drawing action starts in the feet - and connects through the torso and shoulder joint to the arm.
Notice the lightness in the upper hand. This is very relevant to the practice of art, as when painting we spent a lot of time with our arms elevated.
Thanks to Tai Chi exponent Ruolan Lan for demonstrating these moves.
This movement from Tai Chi is the same as doing the basic Van Gogh brush stroke with the right hand.
Points to notice:
What the pictures don't show is that the practitioner is thinking upwards during the movement.
The arm feels as if it is "floating".
This is due to the activation of many small muscles throughout the whole body, acting in concert and directed by a thought.
You will get much more control of your movements if you involve more muscles. Your brain will get a much clearer picture of the movement.
We use three senses to create a mark on a page:
I have found the most effective systems of improving your coordination are:
Movement Van Gogh
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