Cezanne: Still life with Fruit Dish, 1880 (excerpt)

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Learn the process of creating a still life in the style of Cezanne

CROPPED from the original. Painting the the fruit dish alone makes for a beautiful painting and relieves us from taking on too much complexity. We can focus on making these few objects as beautiful as possible.
Picasso called Cezanne "the father of us all...", meaning that his innovations really opened the doors which led to many of the movements in 20c art.
Cezanne said:
With an apple I will astonish Paris!
And he did. It's difficult for the modern eye to see the astonishing in Cezanne as many of his innovations have become conventions in the modern visual language.

Reducing complexity to enhance the learning process

Painting the the fruit dish alone makes for a beautiful painting and relieves us from taking on too much complexity. We can focus on making these few objects as beautiful as possible.
Physical Dimensions:
Medium: Oil on canvas


Palette: Basic Orange

What will we learn in this session?

Cezanne Still Life Constructivist Brush Stroke

Student Paintings

A student version of this masterpiece by Cezanne. The original is on the right... or is it the left?

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